In the recent Republican Primary Runoff Election, Texans elected some true Pro-Lifers and permanently ended the political careers of some very powerful men, who as posers had harmed the Pro-Life cause, usually with anonymity and heretofore impunity.
Despite the two State House races in which our candidates lost — there will always be painful casualties in any war, the overall results continued the conservative, Pro-Life advancement in our Texas government and gave an example and hope to the rest of America.
Texas Right to Life Political Action Committee helped the following winners:
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Ken Paxton (a man loathed by the establishment for having the audacity to challenge Joe Straus for Speaker of the House) won Attorney General in his landslide victory over Straus lieutenant Dan Branch. |
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Konni Burton triumphed in her runoff for State Senate (to take the seat of Abortion Barbie Wendy Davis) by thumping a candidate largely funded by Big Medicine and the pro-abortion Texas Medical Association (TMA). |
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Sid Miller (another man despised by moderates for being the relentless House author of the Sonogram Law) easily bested a Republican In Name Only (RINO) for Agricultural Commissioner. |
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Matt Shaheen prevailed in the contest for State House District 66. His opponent drew huge amounts of moderate funds and TMA support in futile hopes of breaking the stronghold of elected conservative Republicans in the Collin County area. |
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As was expected, the race for State Senate District 2 was a fight to the very end. Our candidate, Bob Hall, defeated the incumbent Bob Deuell (R-Greenville), a physician who opposes abortion but ultimately sides with a physician’s right to impose death on dying and disabled patients. |
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Bob Hall’s victory dealt another expensive blow to TMA: Reports and election filings show expenditures and contributions of at least $150,000 from TMA’s PAC to defeat Hall. |
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Defeating two establishment RINO state senators in one election cycle (we removed incumbent John Carona (R-Dallas) in March) is a feat rarely accomplished in any state. |
These victories dramatically alter the political landscape in Texas and facilitate our life-saving work. All obstructionist RINOs who care only about their political existence should realize that a united conservative movement has just removed five well-funded, entrenched, incumbent members of the State House of Representatives and two members of the State Senate in one election cycle.
Additionally, true defenders of life and freedom are now filling several House seats that were vacated by lukewarm — if not antagonistic — office-holders.
The end result is a State House that is more conservative than last session and a vastly improved State Senate that will be led by the winner of November’s Lieutenant Governor’s race, expected to be Dan Patrick, a genuine movement conservative.
To look at this election cycle from a broader perspective, the March Primary and May Run-Off Elections were about the nature of politics and what course the Texas electorate demands their elected officials to take.
Historically, our leaders have often been selected by unknown power brokers in smoke-filled back rooms of country clubs, newspaper editorial boards, lobbying firms, and law offices. These men were advised by consultants to pay lip service, only if and when necessary, to the issues-oriented unwashed. Every two years, another crop was presented to us like royalty to whom we, the hayseeds, were expected to bow.
The invention of the internet by Al Gore has changed politics forever.
That a paradigm shift occurred manifested in the election of Ted Cruz to the United States Senate. Now the average citizen can research a candidate: his views, actions, memberships, resume, voting record, etc. People of like minds can organize despite their geographical distances. What happens in Washington, D.C., no longer stays in D.C. Local constituents are also beginning to find out what actually happens in Austin, and they are responding dramatically at the ballot box.
Revealing the truth about Austin has been more difficult. Capitol and mainstream media intentionally provide cover for all progressive activities, and there are not enough conservative outlets to truly expose the skullduggery and betrayals regularly perpetrated by establishment moderates (a situation quickly being changed by Breitbart Texas).
For example, the ads aired by Texas Right to Life in the State Senate District 2 race were only suspended for 24 hours, but the lethargic media erroneously declared our defeat and that our spots were permanently stopped.
Historically, moderates are kept in office by huge donations from the Austin lobby that wants a government that perpetually grows far faster than inflation plus population. This ever expanding leviathan redistributes our wealth to the lobbyists’ clients, and the Austin lobbyists are paid handsomely for their role in this largess. The lobbyists then contribute from their corporate clients to the campaigns of the friendly incumbents who draw challengers. A vicious cycle.
However, the steady growth of true-to-principle organizations like Texas Right to Life, Eagle Forum, Concerned Women for America, Texans for Fiscal Responsibility, Texas Home School Coalition, the Tea Party, et al., is changing Austin at a rapid clip. These organizations tell the world what our elected officials really do once they cross the Travis County line.
While the task of publicizing the inside-the-Capitol facts is occasionally complicated by a couple of very small local organizations that have traded principle for power and aid and endorse the fraudulent politicians who should be ousted, incredible political and legislative gains are being made in Texas despite fierce obstructionism from the appeasing, controversy-avoiding moderates who place an “R” after their name.
The clash of the old guard with the new, united resistance ended with smashing victories for the true Pro-Life conservatives as moderate retreads across the state failed in their attempts to hide their pasts and redefine themselves. Powerful lobbyists and self-interest groups were dealt ignominious defeats that reflect a growing public that rejects the ruling class. The expansion and success of Texas Right to Life and all true principle-driven organizations continues unabated.
The era of our leaders and legislative agenda being chosen for us has ended, and we, the people, will now choose for ourselves.
Texas, thank you.