A Texas family decided to remove their 28-year-old daughter’s food and water four years after she suffered a traumatic brain injury during a car accident.
Margo Naranjo’s mother, Cathy, explained how the family came to their decision. In a now-deleted livestream, Margo sat next to Cathy, listening to her mom explain how she will die, as well as the plans for her funeral and “celebration of life” party. Margo would be admitted to hospice, which removes all medical interventions, including ordinary care like artificial nutrition and hydration. She would pass away within “three to five days.”
Cathy insisted that this was all simply about following Margo’s wishes. She claimed that before the accident, Margo stated she would not want to be “kept alive by machines” and would rather die than “not have a quality of life.”
On July 19, an attorney familiar with Margo’s situation won a temporary restraining order (TRO) against her parents. The order prevents them from removing her food and water. Court documents report that home health workers created a yes or no system with Margo by turning her head left or right. When asked if she wished to discontinue treatment and be admitted into hospice, Margo indicated that she wanted to continue food, water, and medical treatment, according to the TRO application.

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Margo is not dying. Her family has cared for her ever since her brain injury in 2020. According to the TRO application, her health has not declined, she is not “being kept alive by machines,” and there is no reason why she should be admitted into hospice.
Food and water are not extraordinary care. Yet, nearly all hospice providers consider food and water extraordinary care and will ensure both are removed once a patient is admitted. If a family specifically requests food and water to be administered, hospice providers often refuse.
In the livestream, Cathy Naranjo insisted that all of this was peaceful, claiming that people who are dying often refuse food and water and fall “into a deep sleep.” Depriving Margo of food and water would cause her death.
Due to the TRO, Margo will continue her regular feeding schedule for the time being. For now, Margo is also under the care of a temporary guardian.
Please pray for Margo to continue receiving food and water, as well as for the entire Naranjo family. People who suffer serious brain injuries are still created in the image of God and deserve our protection. Margo’s life holds intrinsic value and deserves care to meet her basic human needs.
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