Friend —
Do you remember the five days of Doonsbury cartoons that nationally mocked our newly passed Texas Sonogram Bill?
In Gary Trudeau’s vitriolic comic, two of our legislators who supported the Sonogram Law, Sid Miller and Dan Patrick, were characterized as women-haters. In fact, the character’s name in the Doonsbury strip was “Sid Patrick,” a play on their names.

* Language cleaned by Texas Right to Life.
You need to know: Sid is in a run-off and is in grave danger of losing his seat.
Friend, Sid is one of the most Pro-Life legislators Texas Right to Life has ever ranked. He stood-up for Life while others were content to let Pro-Life amendments die in committee.
Without Sid, there would be no Sonogram Law.
With every Pro-Life race at risk in this run-off and in November, too, we can’t afford to lose a single seat to pro-abortionists who want to destroy Texas’ culture of Life.
Protecting this seat from a RINO (Republican In Name Only) who pretends to be Pro-Life depends on us to make sure the voters in his district know about Representative Sid Miller’s sacrifice for Life while exposing the poser running against him.
But we can’t do this without your urgent support.
Once again, please immediately click and follow this link to contribute $60, $150, $250, $500, $1,500 or even $3,500, or whatever you can, and help us expose the RINO and protect an important legislative seat for Life.
Think of the thousands of unborn baby Texans who will be born because of the Sonogram Law. If a RINO takes Sid’s spot, we lose one of the best Pro-Life champs in our State Legislature.
The run off election is July 31st. The pretenders think that no one is paying attention to these races, and they’ll slither into office under the radar.
Don’t let the abortion activists win.
You’ve seen our work and shared in our hard-earned victories. Please contribute as much as you can by clicking this link and donating whatever you can, right now.