Pro-abortion researcher finally admits in new study: preborn babies “may” feel pain
Biased, pro-abortion researchers have long denied the reality of fetal pain. In 2013, Texas successfully…
Biased, pro-abortion researchers have long denied the reality of fetal pain. In 2013, Texas successfully…
In the weeks since President Trump’s State of the Union Address, pro-abortion media have run…
Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed House Resolution 36, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection…
The Supreme Court of India ruled a woman 25-weeks pregnant should end her child’s life…
The Pennsylvania Family Council released a powerful photo series on their website. The photos highlight…
December 10 is the annual observance of Human Rights Day. The United Nations declared the…
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We have a strong coalition of Republicans and Democrats on our side in Austin who will defend and advance the cause of Life.
Governor Rick Perry was in Houston Tuesday to announce his support for Texas Right to Life´s priority legislation for 2013, the Preborn Pain Bill.