Assisted Suicide January 27, 2022 0 Psychiatrists in Ireland Stand Up Against Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide Physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia are becoming increasingly common across the globe. Just in the last…
Abortion May 29, 2019 0 Ireland forces taxpayers to pay for all elective abortions Last year, Ireland voted in a referendum to legalize the killing of preborn babies. Before…
Abortion March 13, 2017 0 Deadly discrimination: nations are trying to abort every single baby with Down Syndrome Pro-Life news outlets are reporting on shocking remarks made at the Second Meeting of the…
Bioethics July 2, 2015 0 Irish cancer survivor: My baby and I are "living proof" that abortion is never necessary Amidst an agenda-driven outcry among abortion zealots that abortion can be necessary to save the Life…