Supreme Court Blocks Biden’s Push for More Abortions in Texas

In a major victory, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld Texas’ Pro-Life laws, rejecting the Biden administration’s efforts to enable abortions when the mother’s life is not in danger.

In 2022, the Biden administration attempted to force hospitals to commit abortions under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), a federal law that requires emergency rooms to stabilize all patients who come through their doors. The policy even urges physicians to treat both the pregnant mother and her preborn child. The Biden administration broadened EMTALA to be used as a loophole to push for more abortions. The administration’s directive would allow for abortions even when the mother’s life is not in danger, threatening Texas hospitals with the loss of Medicaid and Medicare funds if they do not comply.

Every Pro-Life state in the nation already allows doctors to intervene in situations when the mother’s life is at risk. That means that Texas Pro-Life laws do not conflict with the intended meaning of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act. Thus, the Biden administration’s pro-abortion directive was unnecessary from the beginning and revealed a larger anti-Life agenda at work.

The Supreme Court on Monday rejected Biden’s argument that his new interpretation of EMTALA overrides Texas’ more precise definitions of an “emergency medical condition.” Biden aimed to unlawfully force hospitals to perform abortions against Texas’ Pro-Life laws.

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In response, Texas sued the administration, arguing that hospitals cannot be compelled to perform abortions that violate Texas’ Pro-Life laws. In January, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals sided with Texas, ruling that the administration had overstepped its authority.

The Biden administration appealed to the Supreme Court, asking them to overturn the lower court’s order. Texas urged the Supreme Court to uphold the lower court’s decision, noting that Texas law includes a clearly defined exception for the life of pregnant women, meaning there is no conflict between federal and state law.

The Supreme Court ultimately let the lower court’s decision stand, ensuring continued protection for mothers and babies in Texas! 

“The Texas Legislature has crafted Pro-Life laws that protect both children from the violence of abortion and Texas mothers facing medical emergencies. This legal victory was crucial because the Biden administration tried to pressure Texas hospitals and medical professionals into violating state law by performing more abortions,” emphasized Dr. John Seago, President of Texas Right to Life.

Texas Right to Life continues to call for medical associations and state agencies to provide guidance and clarification to health professionals so Texas and other states can protect all preborn children without putting their mothers’ lives at risk.

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