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Supporter Spotlight: Taylor T.

The Dr.  Joseph Graham Fellowship has equipped hundreds of undergraduate students to be strong Pro-Life voices on their college campus since 2008.  Taylor is one of these students.  Thanks to your generosity, Taylor stood up for the most vulnerable at Texas A&M.  Now that she has graduated, she continues to advocate and give back so other students can have the opportunity she had.

Take a few minutes to read through her interview.  Become inspired to be a louder and more courageous voice for Life.


Why are you Pro-Life?

There are many reasons why I am Pro-Life, from basic biology and philosophy, to personal experiences, and my Catholic faith.  Essentially I believe each human Life is inherently valuable and worth protecting, regardless of age, size, health, or any other factor.  Our humanity is the only attribute that every person on this earth shares in common, and withholding protection for certain humans based on arbitrary characteristics is discrimination.

How did you hear about Texas Right to Life?

I heard about Texas Right to Life when I joined Pro-Life Aggies (PLA) at Texas A&M.  Within months of joining PLA, I applied to intern at Texas Right to Life.  I ended up interning three times and joining the Dr. Joseph Graham Fellowship.

As a young adult, what compels you to financially support Texas Right to Life? 

As a college student, Texas Right to Life helped provide me with the resources and opportunities to amplify my impact within the Pro-Life movement.  Now that I’ve graduated, I am excited to be able to give back to this organization and help continue to develop and invest in young Pro-Life leaders.  Because my schedule is now much less flexible than in college, I am not able to contribute to on-the-ground efforts as much as I would like.  Contributing financially allows me to help provide resources to support those who are giving their time and talents to the Pro-Life movement.

Have you always been Pro-Life?  Which Pro-Life issue is most important to you?  Why?

I was raised Pro-Life, but did not feel strongly about Pro-Life issues until college.  My freshman year, my parents revealed to me that when my mom had become pregnant with me in college, she had come seconds from undergoing an abortion.  She’d spent the whole day at an abortion facility, having entered the operating room twice to have the procedure before ultimately walking out– sparing my life.  My parents’ disclosure put a face and a name to the abortion issue.  I’m the same human being today that I was when developing in my mother’s womb.  To think that statistically at least 2,500 unborn children just like me were killed on the day my mom walked out, and every day since then, was overwhelming to me.  I knew I needed to take a stand.

What do you hope to see regarding Pro-Life educational efforts around the state?

I would love to see the Fellowship program continue to expand, especially with Fellows in medical school and law school.  Every career field should have strong Pro-Life representation.  I also think focusing on tabling and conversational outreach is really critical.  Oftentimes people default to tolerating abortion because they’ve never been given the opportunity to have a reasonable conversation with someone who holds Pro-Life views.  Outreach on campus is an amazing way to engage people whose positions on these issues have never been challenged.

Is there an aspect of Texas Right to Life’s work that you connect with more than others?

As a recent grad, my favorite aspect of Texas Right to Life’s work is the educational outreach done through Team LIFE Camp, Boots on the Ground, and the Dr. Joseph Graham Fellowship for College Pro-Life Leaders.  I had the opportunity to participate in the Fellowship program, and I can’t say enough positive things about the program’s impact on college campuses.  Having strong Pro-Life student leaders on every campus is important, and the Fellowship provides training, resources, and support to ensure that Pro-Life groups stay active and effective.  Texas Right to Life is helping to change hearts and minds at the grassroots level, which I believe is the key to the success of this movement.

What advice would you give to somebody that has never spoken about the Pro-Life issue with their friends, family, or coworkers?  

Pro-Life issues can obviously be very touchy, especially in professional environments.  I don’t hide the fact that I’m Pro-Life, but I find the most effective way to share Pro-Life ideas at work, and with friends, is through actions and attitudes rather than explicit words.  Showing compassion, not condemnation, for women who have had abortions, supporting those in crisis pregnancies and the organizations who help them, and expressing Pro-Life attitudes (all life is valuable, a baby doesn’t mean a woman can’t achieve her goals, etc.) are all Pro-Life behaviors that impact our culture.  Our friends and coworkers will notice.  Be seen as open minded and non-judgmental.  Others need to know that the Pro-Life position is about love and respect for all human Life, not judgment or hatred for women, as many people unfortunately believe.  Sometimes letting others observe these behaviors leads to questions and conversations about your Pro-Life beliefs that would not have occurred if your views had been shared in an alienating way.