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Supporter Spotlight: Lillie & Eugene R.

If you have ever attended a Republican Club meeting in North Texas, chances are you have met Eugene and Lillie.

Eugene and Lillie are political activists in every sense of the word.  In addition to their time volunteering with various conservative organizations, Eugene and Lillie may be found hosting candidates in their home, working at the polls on Election Day, or block walking to share the conservative truth with voters.

Eugene and Lillie value the conservative movement as a whole, but their passion for the Pro-Life cause is not easily matched.  While developing ways to disseminate truth concisely, Lillie and her husband focus their messaging to those who are uninformed on Pro-Life issues.

When discussing the sanctity of Life with Lille, she lovingly explains that her Christian beliefs teach her that Life begins at conception.  Although each of us has different styles when we are defending Life to those who may disagree, Eugene and Lillie have one piece of advice key for all: “develop a strong conviction about the issue and speak from your heart.”

Eugene and Lillie always speak from their hearts when they speak about the Pro-Life movement.  When Lillie was working as a Pro-Life counselor, a young couple arrived for an appointment.

“The young lady blurted, ‘I know what this place really is and you’re NOT going to change my mind!’  What I didn’t know at the time is that her boyfriend made the appointment for her and led her to believe that the appointment was for an abortion clinic.”

Through love, honesty, and truth, Lillie talked with the couple and eventually offered them an ultrasound, which was accepted.

“They both watched the grainy screen of the baby’s heart in disbelief.   She didn’t think it was possible that there would be a heartbeat after only a few weeks.  I watched her eyes change from dread to delight.  The couple left clinging to each other and returned about a year later holding their new son,” Lillie said.

Stories like this are uplifting.  Eugene and Lillie are also encouraged that the Pro-Life movement makes progress every day, specifically in the legislative and educational work of Texas Right to Life.  They do not see that progress ending anytime soon!

“I am excited when I see young people who aggressively support the cause as a result of their Christian convictions,” Lillie said.

Eugene and Lillie recognize that there is much work to be completed before our culture begins to value human Life fully.  Meanwhile, they do everything possible to defend their most vulnerable brothers and sisters.