The majority of young adults in their 20s are Pro-Life as opposed to supporting abortion. Although this angers the anti-Life movement, there is no argument they can make to these Pro-Life young adults that can undermine science, logic, and a passion for fighting against injustice.
Katie D. proves to every person she meets that as a young adult, being an active member of the Pro-Life movement is a natural extension of being a woman, being a nurse, being a Christian, and simply being human.
Take a few minutes to read through her interview. Become inspired to be a louder and more courageous voice for Life.
Why are you Pro-Life?
I believe the truest beliefs about people uplift and affirm them. They give people dignity and acknowledgement. For me, being Pro-Life means I believe in the inherent dignity of the tiny humans just starting out in the womb, in the dignity of the elderly or disabled, and everyone in between! Part of being the best people we can be is an openness to others and respect for humans, even if they look and develop differently than we do.
I think nowadays being Pro-Life is harder, because slowing down and acknowledging someone’s needs is inconvenient. But people NEED this affirmation, and part of our mission in the Pro-Life movement is to uplift them. We need to acknowledge our inherent dignity and our power in that dignity. We need to slow down, let go of easy convenience, and look at what is best for human persons – which in the case of Life is not necessarily subjective issues like patient autonomy or “quality of life”.
As a college student and then a nursing student, was being Pro-Life easy?
I was blessed to have attended a faithfully Catholic college (shout out to Benedictine!) where my ideas about the question of Life were strengthened and my reasons formalized. That was a huge blessing. Even so, there were some frustrating moments in nursing clinicals, like when a community health instructor made passive aggressive comments about the school’s policy against administering contraception. Experiencing her antagonism toward this element of my Pro-Life beliefs, while feeling unable to engage on the issue was difficult. I did not respond, but looking back I think some kind of training in dialogue would have gone a long way in helping me open a respectful conversation.
Do you have any personal Pro-Life stories you’d like to share?
There is a Pro-Life story that’s very close to my heart! My youngest brother Michael was born with Down’s syndrome and lives a happy, healthy, high functioning life. I’ve never seen him as different from anyone. He is just Michael, and we love him! I remember one day while we were out, a lady approached my mom and asked her about Michael. This lady shared how she was pregnant with a child diagnosed with Down’s and other complications. Her healthcare provider recommended abortion to her predicting ‘poor’ quality of life. To her credit, she wanted to learn more about my mom’s experience and about Michael’s quality of life. They talked, exchanged numbers, and kept in touch. Mom shared her stories about being a mother to Michael, some of the extra help he needed, and the therapies and support that is available for kids, like him, with special needs. This lady chose Life for her baby – a beautiful girl! And she had none of the diagnoses shown in the ultrasound! Regardless of the outcome being with Down’s or not, I was inspired to see her choose Life for her baby with the support of people who cared about her.
As a woman, what encourages you the most about having strong female leaders in the Pro-Life movement?
Many strong female leaders today are out there striving to gain power for themselves under the guise of having a voice for women. But power at the expense of someone else, even a still developing zygote, is abused power. These figures do not stand for me, or convey the true definition of a strong woman. I love seeing that the strong female leaders in the Pro-Life movement (like Lila Rose) are there to help women (and everyone!) in the fuller and more selfless sense. I believe if you offer women support and affirm that they have the capacity to do hard things (like growing and even raising a child – truly an achievement!), those women will be strong and generous, demonstrating dignity. Now THAT’S true female empowerment.
As a young person who understands the importance of tithing, why do you choose to support Texas Right to Life?
I think of my contribution as both a tithe and a social investment. As a Christian, I am called to support God’s word in the world. I see the hard work Texas Right to Life contributes on multiple front lines of the Pro-Life movement, and supporting this work is one of the best investments I’ll ever make. Texas Right to Life genuinely accomplishes the Pro-Life mission by educating voters, training students in Pro-Life ministry and dialogue, providing a persistent and recognizable influence in the Capitol, and inspiring us in the Pro-Life movement!
Think about little sacrifices we can make, one fewer cappuccino or maybe taking the HOV with a friend! These add up through the month and our monthly donations add up through the year. Every sacrifice becomes a prayer, and through prayer God transforms you, as well as the world.
If a young adult were considering becoming active in the Pro-Life movement, what encouragement would you offer him or her?
First, I want to say “It’s worth it” and “you’re not alone!” If you feel like you are alone, go online and find the Pro-Life resources and groups where you can connect! Second, take the time to educate yourself – being aware of the arguments on both sides of this crucial issue is vital. And thirdly, when you’re on the sidewalk praying, or talking to a friend about these issues, realize that we are human beings first. Remember to live your own dignity in how you treat others.