Minutes ago, in the House State Affairs Committee hearing, Pro-Life Representative Bill Zedler introduced HB 1602, relating to the reporting requirements for an abortion clinic (see previous entry for details of bill). During the bill lay out Representative Zedler made a strong case for the vital need for accurate and comprehensive data collection on abortions in Texas. Zedler argued,
“In the Casey decision, the US Supreme Court ruled that the collection of information is a vital element of medical research. Abortion advocates consistently claim that they want abortion to be safe, but without proper data, abortion advocates can’t pursue public health policies to ensure proper women’s health in relationship to abortion procedures.”
Several qualified and expert witnesses spoke in favor of HB 1602, including TRTL’s Director Elizabeth Graham. Today the committee left HB 1602 pending and it is expected to be voted out of committee next week.
Texas Right to Life thanks Representative Zedler for his leadership on this issue. TRTL fully supports HB 1602 and will work hard in the coming months to get this bill all the way to the Governor’s desk.