God greatly blessed our Pro-Life club at the University of St. Thomas (UST), Celt’s for Life, this past school year.
With four Texas Right to Life Fellows leading as club officers: Madeline Hill (president), Grace Ringen (vice-president), Chiara Le (treasurer—myself), and Michaella Maniscalo (public relations), we were able to accomplish so much!

We even have three more Fellows joining our Pro-Life efforts at UST this upcoming year!
Celts for Life held highly attended Pro-Life meetings throughout the year that educated and challenged students to think through Life issues. We hosted speakers who talked about topics ranging from “When Does Life Begin?” to “Adoption and the Pro-Life Movement.”
Every first Saturday of each month we dedicated our morning to peaceful prayer for the end of abortion outside Planned Parenthood. After prayer members would bond together on a fun restaurant outing!

In January about 50 UST students, faculty, alumni, and Vietnamese Dominican sisters traveled together to march for Life in Austin.

We learned a lot when we hosted a “tabling” day where we dialogued with student peers to discuss what a post-Roe world could look like and how we can continue to save more lives. The experience challenged us and allowed us to practice our Pro-Life apologetics
This past spring, we awarded 10 pregnant and parenting students over $5,000 in scholarships. Interviewing them and hearing the hardships they’ve undergone was heartbreaking. Yet, as Pro-Lifers our conviction was strengthened to provide a supportive community for these parents and to increase the accessibility of resources to help them.
Our successes for Life this past year were due largely to the training and guidance we’ve received as Fellows. Thanks to your prayers and financial support, Celts for Life was able to reach thousands of students and benefit countless lives.