Social Media Influencer Emily Fauver shared her adoption story online for many years. In one of her first videos, she revealed, “We know where all of my siblings are, except for one. His name is Nicholas… We cannot find him anywhere.”
Fauver was born addicted to methamphetamine and with fetal alcohol syndrome. Both of her biological parents struggled with addiction, which eventually led to her and her sister Brittney being taken by CPS when she was one and a half years old. At the time, their mother was still pregnant with her brother, Nicholas.
Although Emily and Brittney were separated for a few years, they were reunited and grew up in the same foster family. Luckily, during their time of separation, they had regular visitations. Once Nicholas was born, he would join their meetings. However, as time passed, Emily and Brittney saw Nicholas less and less. He was then adopted through a closed adoption, resulting in all contact with him to be lost.
In October of 2021, Emily began to post about her and Brittney’s search for Nicholas. In an Instagram video, she shared that they hired a private investigator to find her brother. Fauver shared, “We don’t want to get our hopes up, and we are afraid of being disappointed.” The investigation was not going well. “We think he changed his name, we cannot find anyone with his name,” she explained.

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A few days ago, Emily began recording a video because she was emailed about a new ancestry match. Ancestry is a DNA test people use to find out where their ancestral line comes from, the different genetic traits they have, and find other family members. Ancestry DNA will match family together, telling them the amount of DNA they share, and what their relationship might be.

Fauver’s new match ended up being Nicholas, who messaged her wondering if they were cousins and if she knew his biological mother, Kelly. Since he was too young to remember their visitations, Nicholas had no idea Emily was his long-lost sister.
Emily messaged back, “Hey, Kelly is my mom. I think you’re my brother.”
They quickly connected over FaceTime, sharing a tearful and heartfelt introduction. Filled with joy, Emily explained how she had been looking for him for 30 years. He was shocked to learn he had siblings, as his records were lost and he had no way to find other family members.
Emily and Nicholas surprised Brittney in a group Facetime, where she broke down in tears of joy. Her first words were, “You found him? I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
“We have been looking for you for years,” Emily reiterated through her tears.

Turns out, Brittney and Nicholas had been living an hour away from each other for years. Within the last few days, they have already met, with plans for Emily to fly in to be with them soon.
Praise God for his redemptive power and for reuniting this beautiful family!
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