This is a miracle!
Over the last five weeks, we asked you to pray for Rosemary. 🙏
Her hospital tried to take away her treatment against her will, even though it’s working and helping her fight. (Yes, this is shocking but still legal.)
But God turned this trial into triumph!
Rosemary is now safe and sound at a new hospital!

Here’s how the Lord answered your prayers:
- Rosemary’s husband, Chris, contacted our frontline Patient Advocacy team for help on June 24. We messaged YOU to start praying!
- When the hospital held a committee meeting to decide whether they would take away Rosemary’s care, we sent our Patient Advocates and a Pro-Life attorney to Temple to defend her.
- The hospital started a 10-day countdown after the meeting, planning to prompt Rosemary’s death on July 9.
- Racing against the clock, we sought other facilities, trying to find somewhere safe for her to go before the countdown on Rosemary’s life expired.
- Praise God: Three facilities said they could care for her, and little by little, the Temple hospital agreed to give Rosemary more time while we straightened out insurance and paperwork.
- Last week we hit a snag: Rosemary’s insurance hadn’t responded whether they would cover a new facility, and we were only hours away from the hospital being legally allowed to take away her treatment. We filed an emergency lawsuit to win Rosemary more time.
- Over the last few days, her insurance company approved the transfer, and last night, she arrived at the new hospital in Arizona safe and sound!
Now, her husband can finally breathe a sigh of relief. He told us this morning, “she is not on death row anymore.”
Rosemary is alive today because of YOUR prayers and support! Thank you!
Please continue to lift up Rosemary and her husband, Chris, in this next chapter of their journey.
God has been so gracious in delivering Rosemary. We give the glory to Him, and we thank you for being His instrument to save this precious life!
Thank you for being a faithful prayer warrior and for making a difference forever to this family.
P.S. Friend, if you feel inspired by Rosemary’s story, would you prayerfully consider becoming a Texas Right to Life Responder with a regular gift of even $9 a month to our Patient Advocacy ministry? >> Your gift as a Responder will help us act quickly in crises and ensure that families have hope in their time of need.
The Patient Advocacy Fund is part of the Texas Right to Life Educational Fund (501(c)3). This allows your gift to be tax-deductible.