Rising Star: Teen Ballerina Born Without Arms AMAZES Internet by her Grace

Vitoria Bueno Boche, 19 years old from Mina Gerais, Brazil, was born without arms due to a congenital defect. Although this does impact her life, it has never caused her to lose sight of her dreams. 

At the age of five, her physiotherapist realized that every time Vitoria came in for an appointment, she was dancing. She asked her mother to take Vitoria to a trial dance class at Academia De Danca Andres Falsarella. Although her mother knew nothing about the artform, she showed support and believed in her talented little girl. Vitoria was granted a scholarship to pursue dance there and has worked hard to improve her skill every day since.

Her dancing and smile have captured the hearts of people around the world.

During an interview in 2021, Bueno shared, “I am a role model for people, so I am always looking to improve. I never give up. This gives people a lot of strength.”

In 2021, she competed in a show called Super Talent in Germany. After winning runner-up, she was invited to compete in America’s Got Talent All-Stars 2023. Her graceful and inspiring performance caused the world to fall in love.

The judges appeared to be in awe of Vitoria’s dancing, and the audience was completely captivated. 

In an interview with Times, Bueno stated that even though life can be hard, people have the option to either keep pressing on or give up. “Regardless of the difficulty, we have to make an effort, dedicate ourselves to always do our best. We can do anything but give up!” she concluded.

Vitoria has not let her disability inhibit her life. She has taken every opportunity head on, finding the beauty in each thing. She serves as a testament that everyone deserves a chance at a wonderful and joy-filled life.

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