Right to Life Ballot Proposition set for Republican Primary March 1

On March 1, 2022, Texas Republicans will cast their votes in the Primary Election for candidates up and down the ballot. But another set of items voters will get to weigh in on are 10 ballot propositions on various questions of policy, one of which is on the Right to Life.

The proposition reads:

Right to Life: “Texas should enact a State Constitutional Amendment to defend the sanctity of innocent human life, created in the image of God, from fertilization until natural death.” 

Texas Right to Life encourages Texas Republicans to vote FOR this ballot proposition. 

The State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) serves as the governing board for the Republican Party of Texas and sets which items will appear as ballot propositions on the March ballot. The purpose behind these ballot propositions is to understand the policies most important to Texas Republicans. The results of the propositions will inform the party’s legislative priorities and platform heading into the state convention (being held from June 16-18, 2022, in Houston). The Republican Party is the only major party that supports the Right to Life of all human beings and stands in opposition to abortion. The Right to Life ballot proposition was added to this year’s list to reaffirm Texas Republicans’ commitment to defending innocent human Life from fertilization to natural death.

The ballot proposition explicitly stating the needed defense of innocent human Life from fertilization to natural death is crucial. Not only do we want to see all preborn children protected from elective abortion, but we also want to ensure that the sick, disabled, elderly, and vulnerable are protected from attempts to hasten their deaths prematurely out of false and immoral quality-of-life determinations. The ballot proposition urges Texas to enact a state constitutional amendment for this purpose. Currently the Texas State Constitution does not include any affirmative statement for defending innocent human Life, but only protection against deprivation without due process (Section 19, Article 1).

The Supreme Court of the United States is currently deciding a case that could weaken or overturn Roe v. Wade this year. When the authority to protect preborn children is returned to the states, Texas must be prepared with every available tool to protect and defend the most vulnerable among us to the utmost degree. This ballot proposition will serve to encourage our elected officials to continue pursuing a Pro-Life Texas for all innocent human Life until and after Roe v. Wade is reversed.

Vote FOR the Right to Life ballot proposition on March 1. Protecting the Right to Life for all Texans is fundamental to being a Republican.

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