Send Jim back to Austin to stand up for the little guys!
State Representative Jim Landtroop shares Texas Right to Life’s belief that innocent human life must be protected from fertilization until natural death, including protecting the rights of the ailing and disabled to direct their own health care decisions.

Representative Jim Landtroop discusses prolife legislation with Emily Horne, Texas Right to Life’s legislative associate.
State Representative Jim Landtroop achieved 135% Pro-Life voting record during his first session in the State House, proving to be an unwavering leader for the sanctity of human life. Representative Landtroop was a staunch supporter of the landmark Texas Sonogram Law, which is heralded as the strongest sonogram law in the nation. Countless unborn Texans have been saved due to the new Sonogram Law and Jim’s Pro-Life efforts.
Texas Right to Life PAC is proud to endorse Representative Jim Landtroop for his re-election to the State House District 88. Texas needs Pro-Lifers in the State House of Representatives in Austin.
Vote Pro-Life and re-elect Jim Landtroop on May 29th!
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Yours for Life,