Protect Texas. Protect Life!

Friend —

Texas Pro-Lifers have had enough and are stepping up and fighting back!

I'm receiving messages from across the state, from Pro-Lifers like you, who know that everything we've fought for is at risk if the progressive Left is able to conquer Texas in the next election cycle.

We're mad, and we know the abortion lobby will play every dirty trick possible to win elections.

Friend, Pro-Lifers are rallying because we know there is no other office in the United States the abortion lobby wants and needs more than the Texas governorship.

That's why the abortion lobby is funneling millions and millions of out-of-state money into our state from abortion-supporting billionaire financiers with a singular mission: Stop all Texas Pro-Life legislation and advances.

Everything you've known about a Pro-Life Texas could quickly change as their cunning media partners help them to spread their lies. I don't need to tell you how effective they are.

Has Obama, the most abortion extremist President in our nation’s history, ever been held accountable for any of his abortion policies by the mainstream media?

Will you be one who steps up to support Life in Texas with an immediate donation of $50, $100 $250, $500, $1,000 or even $3,000?

We have until December 31 to meet our revised goal of $50,000 and your support is urgently required so we can fight back the powerful abortion lobby that is invading Texas and bringing their money from California and New York.

We must stay in front of this angry horde. With your financial support, we can do it!

You've seen our revolutionary work and know what we can do. We work like we do because innocent human lives depend on us.

And they depend on us now more than ever!

Let's meet the new goal by joining with us right now.

Already, supporters like you have chipped in $30,995.

Take us to the top right now to protect women and Life by clicking and following this link to financially support us right now!

Yours for Life,