Earlier this month, the Texas State Republican Executive Committee unanimously passed a resolution titled, “Proclaiming that Life Wins Elections.” The resolution reaffirms Republicans’ continued commitment to Life and the need to stand for the preborn, despite a misguided push to step away from this crucial issue.
Texas Right to Life thanks the members of the State Republican Executive Committee who are committed to continuing protecting innocent human Life in our great state.
In the resolution, the committee highlighted that despite the monumental victory of overturning Roe, the battle to protect Life in Texas is far from over. We are seeing the rise of abortion pills being trafficked into the state, resulting in thousands of abortions still happening in Texas even with our Pro-Life protections. Abortion pills are not only lethal to preborn children, but they also pose significant risks to their mothers.
The statement also addressed the removal of Pro-Life language from the national Republican Party platform, where the word “abortion” went from being mentioned in the platform thirty-five times to just once.
Most notably, the national platform’s call for a federal ban on abortion was removed. Instead, the new platform proclaims abortion as entirely a states’ issue. The Texas Republican Party thankfully is not following suit and confirmed the committee’s dedication to leading the charge in restoring strong Pro-Life language to the national platform.
With the chains of Roe finally broken, we are at a pivotal moment in history where states finally have the freedom to pass laws that protect the preborn. Weakening our Pro-Life principles would be a grave mistake.

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The resolution pointed out the simple truth: that being Pro-Life is not just a principled stance but also a politically successful one. As the document highlights, Texas Republicans achieved a resounding victory in 2022 after passing the Texas Heartbeat Act, the strongest Pro-Life law to take effect before the overturning of Roe v. Wade. This huge victory provided a double digit win in Republican statewide offices and increased their majority in the Texas House.
The document went on to acknowledge President Trump’s legacy of overturning Roe, which would not have been possible without him appointing strong justices to the U.S. Supreme Court. The party’s resolution also mentioned their hope to work with President Trump on Pro-Life issues again.The State Republican Executive Committee’s 62-0 unanimous vote for Life is a powerful affirmation of our state’s commitment to protecting the preborn. Together, we will continue to fight for the rights of the most vulnerable until all people of the United States, born and preborn, are guaranteed the Right to Life.
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