Pro-Life Republicans should feel optimistic with Tuesday night’s election results thus far.
While Democrats hoped their doomsday narrative would dominate voters on Election Day, unlimited abortion proved to not be the winning issue that liberals counted on. This allowed Pro-Life candidates to secure pivotal races across the state and nation.
U.S. Senator Ted Cruz defeated pro-abortion Democrat Colin Allred. Allred built his statewide campaign almost entirely on wiping out protections for unborn children. Allred incessantly pushed the lie that Pro-Life policies caused pregnant women to die. He presented himself as a moderate, but his voting record shows that he supported federal legislation that would repeal every measure in America regulating abortion, including parental notification for minors seeking abortions. On the other hand, Senator Cruz has a 100% Pro-Life voting record and has been an outspoken leader for preborn babies on the powerful Senate Judiciary Committee.
In the Texas Senate and House of Representatives, Republicans defended the regions most targeted by Democrats and even flipped two districts. Pro-Life conservative Adam Hinojosa defeated a pro-abortion Democrat state senator in the Rio Grande Valley by highlighting his commitment to protecting unborn children. Representative Caroline Harris-Davila in Round Rock and incoming Freshman Marc LaHood in San Antonio held their districts for the GOP after aggressive attacks from liberals. Other dynamic leaders, including Mike Olcott, Alan Schoolcraft, and Hillary Hickland, will strengthen the Pro-Life majority in the Texas House as they will replace weak, establishment Republicans when sworn-in in January.
However, we did see some defeats in Texas tonight, primarily in Amarillo. Citizens proposed a ballot proposition to prohibit abortion organizations from trafficking women through the town. Pro-Life Prop A in the Panhandle was defeated by an unprecedented level of deception and misinformation from state and national pro-abortion groups. Abortion is still illegal in Amarillo, but radical organizations insist their victory means Texans believe in killing unborn babies. Their narrative falls flat given that Colin Allred ran almost exclusively on abortion but lost his statewide race against Ted Cruz. Tonight’s defeat in Amarillo is a case study in how national funding, political rhetoric, and deceptive campaigning can manipulate even conservative and Christian voters.
This election proved to have some of the most complicated and challenging campaigns for the Pro-Life movement yet. Ten states voted directly on the issue of abortion with statewide ballot measures. The results were tragic.
Arizona, Colorado, Maryland, Missouri, and New York voted in favor of abortion, in many cases barring even the most common sense regulations.
Two states voted in favor of LIFE, Florida and South Dakota, where they rejected measures that would have allowed abortions on babies up to birth.
At the time of publishing, it is too early to determine the results of the measures in Montana, Nebraska, and Nevada.
These ballot campaigns were obviously assisted by the non-stop lies and attacks from Kamala Harris, who ran as the most radical presidential candidate in our country’s history.

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However, Tuesday’s optimistic election results could lead Christians into a false sense of security. We must remember what Jesus told Pilate, “My kingdom is not of this world.” Jesus is not claiming that His message has nothing to do with politics but that His ministry was inescapably political:
- Disrupting the power of the hypocritical religious leaders;
- Predicting that His kingdom was coming as good news to the marginalized of society;
- Urging His disciples to leave their government posts and jobs in the market to follow Him;
- Teaching we owe our full allegiance to God and not Caesar; and, of course,
- Facing trial and being crucified.
Jesus told Pilate that His kingdom is not like the earthly kingdoms in their sinfulness. His kingdom operates differently, as a kingdom of true justice and real peace. Christians are to be good citizens on earth, praying for our leaders and respecting those who God places in authority over us. However, we have an allegiance to the King of Heaven, whose kingdom does not depend upon elections.
No matter who is in the White House or what pro-abortion activists try next, our calling is simple. Jesus wants us to follow Him. This means loving our neighbor, speaking the truth, giving our full hearts to Him, and building his kingdom.
At Texas Right to Life, we are going to change the culture by highlighting the humanity of preborn babies and the barbarity of abortion. We’re going to launch lawsuits to block new pro-abortion tactics in court. We’re going to pass bills that will stop illegal abortion pills and support mothers and their children.
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