The U.S. Senate confirmed Trey Trainor to the Federal Election Commission today by a 49-43 vote.
Trainor, an attorney who has worked with Texas Right to Life for more than a decade, has exposed election fraud, defended Texas Right to Life against a disgraced state senator’s abuse of power, protected patients from the deadly Texas 10-Day Rule, and vigilantly defended the Constitutional rights of individuals and organizations.

President Donald Trump nominated Trainor in 2017 to replace former Republican commissioner Matthew Petersen. Since last summer, the FEC has been one person short of the quorum needed to conduct meetings. Now approaching the November General Election, Trainor will play a key role in monitoring campaign finance and election law compliance for congressional and presidential races.

“We are very pleased that President Trump and the U.S. Senate recognized in Trey Trainor what we Texans have seen for years — an incredible legal mind who believes in empowering citizens to engage in the political process while keeping elections fair,” said Texas Right to Life Director of Media and Communication Kimberlyn Schwartz. “Trey will serve our nation as an intelligent, thoughtful, and qualified FEC commissioner.”
Texas Right to Life congratulates and thanks Trey Trainor for his years of diligent work. As many government thugs and election bureaucracies try to silence and intimidate Pro-Life organizations, Americans can be confident that Trainor will defend the rights to free speech and free assembly of all.