Friend —
In a surprise, Senator Ted Cruz's dad, Pastor Rafael Cruz, popped-in on our emergency event, while we were briefing Pro-Lifers about what is happening in Texas, especially in Austin. I was very pleased that Pastor Cruz chose to address our gathering:
Pastor Cruz challenged every person in the room to take action. He said each individual has a personal responsibility to have a voice for the voiceless.
Pastor Cruz joined us because he knows the urgency Pro-Lifers are facing in Texas right now. You see, legislators are telling me, Elizabeth and the Texas Right to Life team that we should NOT expect Pro-Life legislation this year!
You can imagine our shock when we heard that.
Pastor Cruz informed Pro-Lifers in that room last night that it is not nearly enough to be engaged on the frontline or to be aware of Pro-Life issues. He said we also must take action!
That's why I'm writing this email to you, to ask if you will take action right now.
We are facing a deadling today to raise $27,538 to organize Pro-Lifers across Texas to rise-up and apply pressure on legislators to make Life a priority!
I'm pleased to tell you that last night, one donor chipped-in $1,500 to make this happen!
If we can meet our match of $10,000 today, we will nearly meet our goal! We are almost there!
You know that if legislators don't feel the pressure, they will NOT pass Pro-Life legislation this year. Please don't let that happen.
Texas is the nation's Pro-Life leader because our laws influence other states. 60,000 lives are on the line in Texas because of our work. We know our impact in Texas also saves hundreds of thousands, and even millions of innocent lives across the country!
That's why Pastor Rafael Cruz and even Dr. Alveda King — Martin Luther King's niece who will speak on the SMU college campus in Dallas tonight because of your support — have joined with us to tell Texas legislators to make Life a priority!
Today is our deadline to meet our goal and I know we can make it because of you, friend.
Yours for Life,