President of Hospital that Threatened to Kill Baby Tinslee Lewis honored at Texas Tech University

Lubbock astounded the nation on May 1 by becoming the largest Sanctuary City for the Unborn. 

Sadly, days before this historic vote, the Arts & Sciences College of Texas Tech University honored Rick Merrill, president of Cook Children’s Medical Center. Under Rick Merrill’s watch, his Fort Worth hospital threatened to kill baby Tinslee Lewis by imposing the deadly 10-Day Rule. 

Members of Raiders Defending Life, the Pro-Life group at Texas Tech University, were shocked and confused why their university would honor a man responsible for nearly ending the life of a precious little child. 

While Lubbockites mobilized to vote for perhaps the greatest Pro-Life measure ever passed by a Texas city, Texas Tech chose to honor a man responsible for imposing the deadly 10-Day countdown on a little child. 

In November 2019, Trinity Lewis received the disturbing news that Cook Hospital planned on removing her baby’s life-sustaining treatment within 10 days. Trinity’s desperate appeals for mercy fell on deaf ears with Rick Merrill and Cook Children’s. Tinslee’s life would be ended in 10 days and her mother had no say in the matter. 

Since then, Texas Right to Life has fought for Tinslee’s Right to Life. Pro-Life lawyers defended her case all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States.

Every step of the way Rick Merrill and his hospital have fought against Tinslee, asserting their supposed right to end her life. Rick Merrill and Cook’s have placed themselves squarely in the most radical camp of anti-Lifers by claiming they have the power to choose who lives and who dies. 

Cook argues that the awful Texas 10-Day Rule grants them the right to take Tinslee’s life. This January, the Supreme Court of the United States upset Cook’s efforts by refusing to hear their appeal. 

Texas Tech’s decision to honor such a radically anti-Life leader as Rick Merrill demonstrates a marked disconnect between the University leadership and the student body and Lubbock community. 

Recently, both the Texas Tech University administration and the Lubbock city leadership have proved themselves to be out of touch with their community. University and city officials are courting the radical anti-Life left while the Lubbock community remains solidly Pro-Life. 

Lubbockites proved themselves a strong Pro-Life community in the May 1 vote to pass the Sanctuary City for the Unborn ordinance. 

The massive victory for Life in Lubbock was due entirely to the efforts and action of ordinary citizens. In fact, the Lubbock Sanctuary City for the Unborn ordinance passed in spite of the cowardice and inaction of the mayor and city council. 

Twice the citizens of Lubbock forced a city council vote on the ordinance and twice the measure was rejected. Even so, when the ordinance was brought to a public vote the measure passed in a landslide, 62% in favor and only 38% against. 

These numbers are particularly impressive when one considers the massive amounts of money and fake news campaigns against the ordinance that flooded Lubbock from outside anti-Life groups. Looking to protect their profits from the region, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, headquartered in New York, NY, spent $50,000 to spread lies about the ordinance.      

Neither Planned Parenthood nor Rick Merrill stand for the values of the Lubbock community nor the student body of Texas Tech. 

Lubbockites have proven that normal Pro-Life Texans can defeat the anti-Life schemes of politicians, big money hospital administrations and massive abortion industry corporations.



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