Greyson Butler’s journey has been nothing short of extraordinary.
Born 16 weeks premature and weighing a mere 1 lb., 2 oz., Greyson spent almost 500 days in the NICU, but now, he’s home!
Greyson’s mother, Monae Harper, shared the emotional roller coaster the family experienced. “A lot of sleepless nights, a lot of tears, a lot of prayers, a lot of cries,” she recounted to WABC-TV, recalling the challenges they faced. Yet, she said, her baby is living proof of the power of God. “Overall, a lot of smiles because my son is here right now. He’s a miracle baby.”
Born with a congenital heart defect and chronic lung disease, Greyson faced a mere 20% chance of survival, as reported by WCBS-TV.
Greyson underwent 15 blood transfusions in five different medical facilities, had two surgeries, and five bouts of pneumonia.
Harper vividly recalled her initial worries: “I was instantly worried. So, a lot of days I was thinking my son was going home, but then another situation happened. We were so scared. He looked like he would break. He was so delicate.”
Despite the uphill battle, Greyson, now weighing 20 lbs., overcame every obstacle.
Dr. Dennis Davidson shared heartwarming moments from their interactions, saying, “I come in the morning and I know he’s okay because if I tickle him, he rolls around laughing and he throws a towel over his head,” as reported by WABC-TV.
As Greyson left Blythedale Children’s Hospital in Valhalla, his parents, Monae Harper and Jeffrey Butler, were trained to manage his ventilator and tracheostomy.

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The family, now preparing for life outside the hospital, looks forward to new beginnings.
Jeffrey Butler recalled how his son inspired him during the difficult journey: “When kids start walking, he might be a little delayed. But he’s perfectly fine with me. He’s smart, sense of humor.”
The father added, “I think it’s a story of a miracle. He never stopped fighting. There’s a lot of situations I’ve been through that I wanted to just throw in the towel and I’m like if he could — he’s here every day, he never stops fighting — then what am I gonna stop fighting for?”
Successful treatment of premature babies highlights the value of life at every stage of development. Birth does not create life. While Greyson received top-notch care to save his life, babies his same age were being legally aborted simply because they were still in their mothers’ wombs. This story serves as a reminder of the preciousness of human Life and the importance of protecting it at every stage.
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