On the heels of an anti-Life film sharing the same name, Trapped is the story of a young girl who finds herself pregnant and at a crossroads. Soulfully told in first-person narrative, Trapped encapsulates the raw emotion and battery of fears that face women in abortion culture. On the one hand, abortion propaganda promises that terminating the pregnancy will restore teenage Laura to her former life and render the pregnancy an easily-forgotten blip on the radar. Laura becomes increasingly convinced that abortion will effectively undo her mistake.
But she does not take the decision lightly. When Laura finally musters the courage to tell her parents that she’s pregnant, her father’s outburst effectively cements her decision to proceed with abortion. Likewise, Laura’s boyfriend immediately asks if she will “get rid of it.” But her mother suggests that they explore all of the options before Laura makes her ultimate choice.
Trapped – Directors Cut from I-TEC Media on Vimeo.
The clinching moment for Laura is seeing her preborn child via ultrasound. Indeed, for many women the early-pregnancy ultrasound establishes an unbreakable bond between the tiny child and his mother – a bond that abortion propaganda is powerless to break.
The bond strengthens Laura’s resolve to do whatever will be required of her to move forward with her own life without electing to end her child’s life in the process.
“I never thought it would happen to me,” says Laura at the end of the film. “I never thought this would be my life. But now I look back and I think about the days I thought abortion would be an easy way out. Turns out, that is a lie. There is no easy way out. Truth is, it’s hard. Really, really hard. But I made the right choice. And he’s here, and I never knew I could love anyone so much. I can’t imagine my life without him. And I never want to. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
The film takes an unflinching look at how pregnancy can uproot plans and upend family dynamics. Indeed, Laura understands that choosing Life will not be an easy path, and doing so will force her to reevaluate the direction of her life as a dancer. The story affirms the empowering message that modern women are not slaves to an abortion status quo. Defying the notion that elective childlessness is the straightest path to her dreams, the film gives voice to the many women who have, even in the face of single-motherhood, attained happiness and success even amidst the hardship and joy of an unexpected pregnancy.