Planned Parenthood Official Ousted from Texas Medical Board

A Planned Parenthood director was put in charge of doctors’ medical licenses and discipline for the entire state of Texas for over 10 years. Yes, you read that correctly. With this authority, the anti-Life official could have given leeway to abortionists who illegally kill preborn babies in Texas. 

State Representatives Briscoe Cain and Brian Harrison sounded the alarm on this unsettling discovery and called for Dr. Robert Bredt’s removal from the board. As director of the Texas Medical Board, Bredt led the state agency responsible for regulating the practice of medicine in Texas, including granting medical licenses to physicians and taking disciplinary action against those who violate state laws or medical standards. 

This all started when the Texas Medical Board named Dr. Bredt as an expert witness in a legal case regarding the board and a Houston doctor concerning COVID-19. In an effort to highlight Dr. Bredt’s credibility, the board included his curriculum vitae, a document detailing his qualifications and experience. In this report, it was clearly listed that Dr. Bredt was serving as the Laboratory Medical Director at Planned Parenthood San Antonio.

Hours after this information became public, State Representative Briscoe Cain released a statement, saying, “The fact an individual responsible for regulating the practice of medicine in Texas also works for Planned Parenthood — a criminal organization that profits from murdering babies — stands in direct conflict with the laws of our nation and our state’s Pro-Life values. This is unacceptable. He must be fired.”

Representative Brian Harrison also issued a statement, highlighting, “It is indefensible a Pro-Life state like Texas has an abortionist regulating the practice of medicine.” 

“This fox must be removed from guardianship of the henhouse,” he added.

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Since the overturning of Roe, Planned Parenthood has worked tirelessly to skirt Texas’ Pro-Life laws. Pro-abortion groups traffic women and young teens across state lines to kill their children, contributing to the estimated 30,000 innocent preborn babies that lost their lives last year.

Representative Briscoe Cain touched on this, stating, “Having someone with a leadership role at a criminal organization such as Planned Parenthood simultaneously serving in a prominent regulatory position erodes public trust and creates an undeniable conflict of interest. Anyone associated with Planned Parenthood has no place overseeing the medical profession in the Lone Star State.” 

“Texas should be leading the fight against Planned Parenthood–not employing them,” Representative Harrison added on X.

Fortunately, as of January 8, the Texas Medical Board confirmed that Dr. Bredt has been officially removed from his position. 

Even in the most Pro-Life states, like Texas, anti-Life activists in key bureaucratic positions can undermine our laws and life-saving intent. We must remain vigilant to fully enforce our current Pro-Life policies and combat the aggressive new strategies and tactics of the abortion industry. 

We thank God for Texas State Representatives Briscoe Cain and Brian Harrison, whose courageous leadership led to the removal of Dr. Robert Bredt as Medical Director of the Texas Medical Board. Their boldness and bravery have made Texas a safer place for preborn babies, protecting the most vulnerable among us.

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