Friend —
I have devastating news.
Yesterday, I sent you a message about Willie, a patient at a hospital in northwest Houston whose doctors decided that he should no longer have medical care despite the wishes of the patient and his family. Many of you have emailed and called me and offered to help Texas Right to Life and to help Willie’s family. For that, I am touched, and I thank you.
Late yesterday evening after I sent my email to you, I learned that Willie died.
The “ethics panel” at the facility decided, against the wishes of the family — and the patient himself — to stop medical treatment.
As you can imagine, I'm shocked, and his family is devastated about the way their father was treated, and ultimately killed, by so-called medical professionals.
I know you're shocked, too, because of the number of replies I've received from you, and people like you, offering prayers and support over the past 12 hours.
Many have asked me which medical facility where this happened but the family asked me not to reveal it at the moment.
Friend, we have a long road ahead of us to change how we care for the suffering and disabled.
Thank you for your prayers and please continue to pray for Willie’s family and even the medical professionals who are trying to save lives.
You can read more details about what happened to Willie in my previous message.