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Participate in Texas Right to Life´s State of Emergency Media Conference!

Friend —

Here's the link for tomorrow. This is for the Pro-Life Texas State of Emergency media conference, for which I selected you to attend online.

This will be a live, interactive media conference tomorrow, August 31, at 7:30pm.

I selected you because I want strong Pro-Lifers to participate in this major, state-wide online media event to take action on Planned Parenthood.

While online, you will have the chance to ask Texas legislators — who will also attend — how our state can stop Planned Parenthood's crimes and let them know what you expect from your elected officials.

Please save this email and calendar the time for tomorrow, August 31 at 7:30pm, to be in front of your computer or smart phone to participate. 

Also, if you have any church groups or other groups that you belong to, you can make this an evening of action on Planned Parenthood with your Pro-Life friends!

Yours for their Lives,