New parents often gaze at their newborn and think, “This baby is a miracle!” But for Oregon parents Jourdan and Matt Moore, when their twins arrived in September of 2015, it truly was a “miracle” on many levels.
When a medical complication resulted in premature delivery, the twins were born nearly four months before their due date. At only 23 weeks, they weighed just over 1 pound, their eyes still fused shut and their skin so delicate that it was nearly transparent. “Doctors basically told us we should let nature run its course, that there was nothing they could do for a baby born at only 23 weeks,” Jourdan told People.

Seeing their babies, so impossibly tiny, so fragile, and yet so perfectly made, the Moores made a conscious decision not to trust “nature.” They loved these children for six months while they were still in the womb. “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.” (Ps. 139:13-16). These precious tiny children were a gift from God, and they would not give up on them while they were still being “knitted together.”
That was 2015, and they were on the cutting edge of what medicine could do for babies born so early. The Moores believed they were guided to make the right choice when they chose life.
Watching the NICU team (neonatal intensive care unit) work day in and day out, with their babies, the Moores saw their impossibly small babies getting bigger and stronger. After 98 long days in that NICU, Cadence and Jaxson Moore came home!

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These proud parents will tell you it has been an ongoing journey that began all the way to when their twins were first conceived. Their path has been filled with challenges but still overflowing with joy. For every time they look at their twins they see more than two little children, they see miracles.
In 2021, their mother reported the twins, then six, are “big kids with big personalities and big dreams.”
Now, in 2023, babies once thought to be too small, too premature – even babies born at 23 weeks – are celebrating their birthdays year after year. Like the Moores, these are the babies whose parents choose to push the envelope and seek life.
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