Candidates inaccurately portray themselves as Pro-Life
Candidates who are not Pro-Life may inaccurately portray their beliefs to win favor with voters
Candidates who are not Pro-Life may inaccurately portray their beliefs to win favor with voters
Planned Parenthood killed over 260,000 babies last year. Your presence outside a clinic could save just one.
As we face end of life legislation today, we are presented with phrases like ´quality of life´ and ´rationing of health care´ — what does this mean?
The discovery of amniotic stem cells may very well be a tremendous scientific and ethical breakthrough that will change the future, as well as the debate about stem cell research.
The passing of the ultrasound bill will allow more women to see their baby, resulting in more mothers choosing Life.
By watching the major media coverage you wouldn’t get a hint of the vast crowds of Pro-Life Americans that filled the streets of Washington D.C. this January 22nd.
Encourages Conservative to not be afraid to use the power of the internet and social media.
The Chinese government, concerned that their population will outnumber their resources, has long prohibited families…
Roe does state very clearly that each woman should have access to abortion, regardless of ability to pay-and with this health care bill, it will give abortion supporters the confidence to invoke that law.
Abortion is a manmade holocaust we can control.