Pregnancy Centers August 2, 2010 0 Canyon Branch CPC Canyon Branch CPC 1712 2nd Ave. Canyon, Texas 79015 Randall County 806-655-4673 Crisis Pregnancy…
Pregnancy Centers August 2, 2010 0 The Pregnancy Care Center The Pregnancy Care Center 2900 Coggin Ave., Ste. B Brownwood, Texas 76801 Brown County 325-646-5433…
Abortion August 1, 2010 0 Pro-Life Feminism Few people know that the early feminist movement was staunchly Pro-Life. Ironically, many feminist groups,…
Abortion August 1, 2010 0 NPR Changes the Language of the Debate NPR had been using the terms “pro-life” and “pro-choice” to discuss those involved in the…
News August 1, 2010 0 Kagan Writes ACOG Language against Partial-Birth Abortion A recent discovery about Supreme Court Justice nominee Elena Kagan has illuminated her truly pro-abortion…
Newsletter August 1, 2010 0 United States Supreme Court During the presidential campaigns, Barack Obama said that while “most of the time” conservative and…
Pregnancy Centers July 30, 2010 0 Saldana´s Birthing Center Saldana's Birthing Center 2155 E. Taylor St. Brownsville, Texas 78520 Cameron County 956-542-1403 Contact: Ms.…
Pregnancy Centers July 30, 2010 0 New Beginnings Pregnancy Center New Beginnings Pregnancy Center 1016 East Blue Bell Road Brenham, Texas 77833 Washington County 979-836-0397…
Pregnancy Centers July 30, 2010 0 CareNet Pregnancy Center of Borger CareNet Pregnancy Center of Borger 300 W. Grand Street Borger, Texas 79007 Hutchinson County 806-273-8373…
Pregnancy Centers July 30, 2010 0 Pregnancy Resource Center East Pregnancy Resource Center East 3013 N. Main Baytown, Texas 77521 Harris County 281-427-2273 800-395-4357…