When tasked with investigating allegations of criminal activity inside Houston’s largest abortion mill, the now-defeated former Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson instead manipulated a grand jury to indict the Pro-Life journalists who uncovered the atrocities inside Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast. Even members in the United States House of Representatives who serve on the Select Panel on Infant Lives found unconscionable and criminal what Devon Anderson blatantly ignored. The Select Panel was tasked with the same charge as was the former Harris County DA, and the findings of the Select Panel stand in stark contrast to the actions of the Republican Houston District Attorney’s Office.
Carefully delaying the decisions of the DA’s office until after the deadline had passed for primary opponents to file to run against Anderson, she had no opponent before the disturbing announcement to exonerate Planned Parenthood. This debacle marked the second time Devon Anderson’s office refused to pursue charges against the abortion industry in Houston.
At one time, Devon Anderson, appointed by Governor Rick Perry to fill the DA office left empty by her husband’s passing, pledged her Pro-Life commitment to Texas Right to Life, asking for our endorsement. Once an elected official deliberately harms the Pro-Life cause, regardless of party affiliation, Texas Right to Life PAC will work overtime to oust him or her. Under her leadership, Devon Anderson had inflicted more harm and to the cause than any other officeholder, and we let all of Harris County know in the recent election cycle.
Some in Harris County GOP leadership have blamed Texas Right to Life’s radio campaign against Devon Anderson as the reason why every Harris County Republican judge was defeated in November. However, these judges actually won more votes than President-Elect Trump, and of course, more than Anderson.
The local GOP (or Democrat party) is to ensure that candidates running under their party label adhere to party principles. When a party chooses personalities above policy, the ensuing firestorm should surprise no one, particularly the local party chair. The job of a local Republican (or Democrat) party is to protect incumbents, particularly the judges who are serving well. The Harris County Republican Party should have called for Anderson to resign (even quietly), and acknowledged that her actions could be the millstone for others on the ballot.
Texas Right to Life owed nothing to Devon Anderson, to any Republican, nor to any Democrat. The mission and goals of Texas Right to Life do not include helping Republicans win at all costs, rather our focus has always been and will continue to be to help elevate those who recognize the value and dignity of innocent human life at all stages. Sometimes, defeating a fake Pro-Lifer is necessary, regardless of party affiliation. If turning a blind eye to the criminal activity of chopping up children and selling their parts for profit isn’t enough to be dropped by or at the very least distanced from one’s own political party, maybe Devon Anderson isn’t the only one who needs to be exposed.