Opening their eyes to the truth

Friend —

Yesterday, America mourned the loss of over 50 million preborn children to abortion, but the survivors will make their voices heard. The annual March for Life is today, and while the destruction of a generation is almost too much to bear, nearly a half million people assembled to march against the horror and injustice of abortion.
Many of the marchers remember the day Roe was decided, and have been Pro-Life activists ever since. But what is truly amazing — and able to bring joy to the pain of this anniversary — are the number of abortion survivors who are taking a stand.
Busloads of high school and college students poured into D.C. over the weekend, including a large delegation of Texas students who were able to attend because of supporters like you.

These survivors are adamantly Pro-Life. Anyone born after 1973 has stood face-to-face with the reality of abortion, and they’ve seen the havoc it has created. They wonder, when did we become a nation that would disregard an entire generation as unworthy?
Today, the mainstream media will not mention the half million Pro-Lifers marching in Washington, DC. Our nation has turned a blind eye to the genocide occurring in its own backyard. But the voices of these hundreds of thousands of marchers matter because they represent the millions of innocent lives discriminated against in the grossest form.
The Pro-Life movement grows stronger each year because people are opening their eyes to the truth. Texas Right to Life continues to stand strong and speak out for the unborn, the sick, and the millions of other people who are dedicated to spreading the message of Life.

We are only able to succeed because of your continued financial support.

Today, on this most important anniversary, please consider supporting Texas Right to Life, once again, with an immediate donation of $25, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or even $2,500 by following this link right now.

Stand with us. Your donation will help us to defend and elect Pro-Lifers to public office during this most crucial election year that we cannot afford to lose.

Yours for Life,