Texas Right to Life denounces the decision of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to force Americans to pay for “free” abortion-inducing contraceptives as part of PPACA, the federal health care reform bill. Public health programs and private insurance companies will be required to cover the contraceptives, including contraceptives that cause abortion, without charging a deductible or co-pay. The full cost will be passed on to taxpayers and private insurance beneficiaries, regardless of the payer's moral opposition to contraceptives that cause abortion and regardless of an employer’s moral opposition to provide this coverage.
Effective immediately, all new insurance plans will be required to provide the full range of FDA-approved contraceptive methods, sterilization procedures, and education and counseling for all women with reproductive capacity. The no-cost contraceptives would include those methods that cause abortion, including some oral contraceptives and intrauterine devices (IUDs), as well as controversial “emergency contraception,” offered under the names “Plan B” and “Ella.”
Existing, or “grandfathered,” plans will be exempt—for now—as well as some religious institutions. Yet this exemption is unclear and does not exempt taxpayers who morally oppose abortion. The policy, therefore, violates the freedom of conscience of all Americans.
Department of Health and Human Services' Secretary Kathleen Sebelius established a solid record as an abortion advocate. During her tenure as governor of Kansas from 2003-2009, she vetoed every piece of pro-life legislation that crossed her desk, including legislation that would have tightened restrictions on third-trimester abortion. This mandate on taxpayer funded contraception from HHS is consistent with both Sebelius’ and the Obama administration’s goal of making abortion more readily available to women and teens.
“Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion provider, and NARAL Pro-Choice America are celebrating the new policy while dismissing evidence about various forms of contraception causing abortion. These abortion advocates will stop at nothing until public policy fully funds abortion as preventative care. President Obama and Secretary Sebelius encourage counseling and prevention yet espouse and enact policies that endanger the health of women and teens through promoting unmitigated abortion on demand in all forms, including making powerful drugs available over the counter to minors without parental involvement. Thus, this new mandate pours more money into the coffers of the abortion industry, expanding the shell game of hiding and moving its public funds.” Graham commented.
Texas Right to Life defends innocent human life from fertilization to natural death through education, legislative efforts and other peaceful means. Texas Right to Life is the oldest and largest pro-life organization in Texas and is the state affiliate of National Right to Life.