Abortions in Texas have dropped by approximately 60% since the Texas Heartbeat Act took effect September 1, 2021. Roe v. Wade’s days may be numbered as the Supreme Court’s decision in a Mississippi case (Dobbs v. Jackson) approaches this summer.
Yet, one look around our culture and you can tell that the fight is far from over.
The massively popular social media platform TikTok is one of the most frequented sites for teens and young adults on the internet. On TikTok you can see the interests, passions, and values of modern culture on full display.
New videos that have just recently gone viral on TikTok document the day-to-day activities of abortion clinic volunteers in Minnesota as they “escort” women into the abortion facility. The abortion volunteers play raunchy music, make fun of the Pro-Lifers standing outside the clinic, and try to block women from speaking with any Pro-Lifers.
One video, which garnered 5.9 million views, shows an abortion clinic volunteer “twerking” to explicit music as a nearby Pro-Lifer faces away.
At Ohio State University, student organizations are partnering with the administration to sponsor “Sex Week” festivities. As part of these festivities students are encouraged to make thank you cards for abortion businesses.
How did we come to this?
When Margaret Sanger, the racist eugenicist founder of Planned Parenthood, first started, she claimed to advocate solely for contraceptive birth control. Over time the movement evolved till “tragic but safe, legal, and rare” abortions were instituted by Roe in 1973.
Since then the narrative has continued to shift until today when media outlets broadcast the same consistent message; “abortion is normal, abortion is good for women, abortion is true womanhood.”

By controlling the cultural narrative, pro-abortion powers have successfully normalized the brutal and truly barbaric murder of human children.
Politicians like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, Hollywood, the media, and social media influencers all claim that abortion is “essential healthcare” and “a woman’s right.”
When you have TikTok users callously laughing at the destruction of preborn human Life, you know you have a problem that goes deeper than laws can fix.
The public conscience has been lulled to sleep by 49 years of legal abortion and aggressive messaging from the media.
Pro-Lifers must not shrink from the culture wars. Nor should Pro-Lifers throw up their hands, declaring the battle won and the problem fixed.
Until abortion is unthinkable we still have work to do.
As the legal aspect of the abortion debate advances and incredible new laws, such as the Texas Heartbeat Act, save thousands of lives, Pro-Lifers must not overlook the culture war.
We hope, pray, and work hard every day for the end of legal abortion. But when the Supreme Court does overturn Roe, the fight for the heart of the nation will be only just beginning.