NFL player Chris Maragos shows his commitment to being Pro-Life: “Each mother with doubt in her heart needs all of us”

Philadelphia Eagles free safety Chris Maragos is competing in a different kind of ball game, one with a powerful Pro-Life cause.  Maragos will be joining wife, Serah, at AlphaCare’s “Kick It for Life” fundraiser kickball tournament at the end of May.  The charity event raises money for AlphaCare’s mobile unit that travels the Philadelphia area with free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds, along with social services for women in need.

Recently, Pregnancy Help News shared Maragos’s outspoken Pro-Life views and his support for the work of AlphaCare.  Maragos and his family, who are Christian, appreciate AlphaCare’s Christ-centered approach.  Maragos explained, “Each mother with doubt in her heart needs all of us.  She needs us, she needs Jesus, to rally around her, to soothe her pain and lift her spirits.  She needs to know that she is not alone.”

The reason Maragos sees for this need is simple.  Pregnancy is difficult, even with the support of a loving family and involved community.  Many women are not so fortunate.  Pregnancy Help News points to research by the anti-Life Guttmacher Institute showing that one of the most significant reasons women choose abortion is feeling abandoned by their family and, most importantly, the father of their children.  Maragos spoke movingly of the joy he and his wife experienced when they were expecting each of their sons, Micah and Mason.  The experience of that great joy and the powerful connection to preborn Life convinced Maragos even more of the importance of the work of AlphaCare and other Pro-Life organizations.  Committed Pro-Lifers are unafraid to meet women where they are, in the case of the mobile unit even driving to where women live to offer assistance.  In walking alongside mothers, AlphaCare offers them health and social services that give them the power to choose Life.

Maragos stated:

Even if you’re joyful about your pregnancy, there are questions and doubts.  Now, imagine if you took all of those burdens onto yourself and kept your pregnancy a secret from the father, from your parents, and from your friends.  If you don’t believe, you bear all of those burdens yourself.  It must be crushing.  No wonder so many women decide that it is too much.  It’s no wonder that they think the solution to rid themselves of their ‘problem’ is their child.

Today, more than ever, AlphaCare goes wherever a woman needs the love of Jesus, as well as the AlphaCare services that go with it.

Pregnancy Help News reported that in addition to a mobile unit, AlphaCare has plans for expansion.  The pregnancy help center started offering Pro-Life services to women directly next door to the shuttered abortion mill of infamous serial killer Kermit Gosnell.  Gosnell’s filthy and crime-ridden abortion mill was known as “The House of Horrors.”  AlphaCare has plans to redeem the building by expanding their Pro-Life outreach into the very offices in which Gosnell killed women and children.  The powerful witness of AlphaCare’s commitment to serving women wherever there is a need is a stark contrast to the abortion industry.  AlphaCare’s efforts to redeem the building also bring attention to Gosnell and his crimes, which much of the media refuse to cover.

We thank Chris Maragos for speaking on behalf of an important Pro-Life cause, and we wish AlphaCare the best in their upcoming kickball tournament!