A newborn baby was found on the floor of an Oklahoma dormitory restroom on student move-in day. This heartbreaking discovery has deeply shaken the campus community.
Northeastern State University President Rodney Hanley released a statement on this tragic day.

Hanley shared that school officials “immediately” contacted ambulance services and the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation.
“Campus officials then began conducting welfare checks in an attempt to locate the mother. Shortly thereafter, a student came forward seeking medical attention,” Hanley wrote.
At this time, it is not clear whether the baby was alive or had passed away when found. There have been no further public updates on the investigation.

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Join us in prayer for this mother, that she is able to receive the care she needs, and that God reveals himself to her in this situation. We also pray for her baby that if he or she is alive, this would be a testimony that pulls him or her toward the love of God!
Tragic stories like this remind us to be in prayer for expecting mothers every day. We ask God to give them the strength and courage to choose Life for their precious babies and to help them become godly mothers. We also pray for expectant fathers, that God may fill their hearts with joy and a deep desire to lead their families in faith and love.
Now more than ever, the voices of Pro-Life students, offering hope and compassion, are needed on college campuses. Pro-Life groups play a vital role in providing support and encouragement, assuring mothers that they are not alone on this journey.
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