New York makes it easier to abort a child than to adopt one under a new order from Democrat Governor Kathy Hochul’s administration.
New York’s Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) issued a memo on January 5 limiting the financial support adoptive families can give to birth mothers.
Often when a birth mother chooses a family to adopt her child, the adoptive family offers to pay for prenatal care, living expenses, or other means that help the woman who has become a unique and special part of their lives. However, New York will restrict financial help to be made 60 days before the baby is born and 30 days after birth.
The mandate is referenced in a memo sent on January 5 by OCFS Agency Director Shelly Fiebich.
“Be advised that the New York State Office of Children and Family Services Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (NYS OCFS ICPC) office has revised the Adoptive Placement Fee Disclosure Form OCFS-4690 to clarify that the [agency]will only apply New York law when reviewing fees paid or to be paid in the context of an adoptive placement and an application for [agency]approval of an adoptive placement into New York,” Fiebich wrote, according to the New York Post.
Not only does the state restrict adoptions for birth mothers who live in New York, but it also forbids families from assisting birth mothers who live out-of-state.
Fiebich continued, saying the New York agency that oversees adoption services “will not accept an out- of-state court order that addresses the subject of fees.”
Birth mothers will be impacted most severely by New York’s order at a time when these pregnant women bravely and difficultly seek to provide a new life for their children.
Adoption lawyer Lisa Goldberg warned, “Why would a birth mother pick you if you’re limited in how much you can assist her?” She explained that the Hochul administration’s gift restrictions will discourage birth mothers from another state to place their children for adoption with New Yorkers, compared to prospective parents in other states with less stringent rules.
Former Congressman and adoptive father Max Rose also criticized the limits as anti-adoption and anti-family.
“I sincerely hope Gov. Hochul fixes this rule. I know in her heart of hearts she wants New York families who choose to adopt to be supported and make New York a place to raise a family,” Rose said.
“Unfortunately this rule does the opposite and puts New Yorkers through a lot of pain.”

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The Hochul administration defended the January memo, pointing the finger at the state legislature, saying the OCFS is only enforcing a state law that was already on the books.
“OCFS is committed to helping all children eligible for adoption find a permanent, loving family, including any who may be considered for adoptive placement from other states. We follow all New York State laws, and any court order that is fully compliant with the law will be honored,” the agency said in a statement.
Hochul proclaims she is the first “mom governor” and previously dedicated $7 million in additional funding for adoption-related services.
However, at a time when New York is doubling down on abortion, it’s hard to see this mandate as anything but anti-child and anti-family.
You can contact New York’s Office of Children and Family Services to encourage them to reverse this policy by emailing or calling 518-473-7793.
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