A New York abortionist published an op-ed last week detailing her plan to move to Texas to change our culture and kill unborn Texans.
Sarah Valliere is an abortionist trying to bring her murderous New York, pro-abortion attitudes to Texas – and there is a powerful abortion lobby coming with her.
You need to be ready.
New York is what happens if we fail. You cannot let Texas become complacent in the wake of this tragedy. Now is the time to pick a side: New York or Texas. Death or Life.
You’re witnessing a real example of how zealously the anti-Life lobby pursues abortion and what their ultimate goal is: the right to a dead baby.
The unborn depend on you to protect Life just as fervently.
Texas is the last best hope for the rest of the country. And our enemies know that.
You cannot leave our elections, our State Capitol, or our culture unguarded from the vicious abortion mob. You must push back and stop the genocide at every chance, 24/7. If you don’t, you’ve already seen how this ends.
ACT while there’s still hope. Give a gift of $50, $150, $300, or more now to pass life-saving laws that will save lives immediately, change the culture to finally recognize this genocide, and ultimately challenge and undo the abomination of Roe v. Wade.
They are coming for us.
Give now to defend Texas.