New York: A wake-up call

New York’s horrific law is a wake-up call. New York state now allows abortionists to murder babies until the moment of birth.

This bill is actually very logical — if you somehow believe that an unborn child is not a human entitled to legal protection until she takes a breath outside of her mother’s womb.

You just witnessed a real example of how zealously the anti-Life lobby pursues abortion and what their ultimate goal is: the right to a dead baby.

The unborn depend on you to protect Life just as fervently.

Although the New York law just now hit the news, the abortion industry spent years methodically achieving this goal.

  • They first convinced the vast majority of Church leaders to remain silent in the face of our American holocaust;
  • They were then able to deaden the culture’s conscience to quietly accept the barbarism;
  • They then filled their legislature with pro-abortion Democrats and spineless Republicans through the elections (in which most Christians did not even vote);
  • They spent endless hours crafting the deadly bill language; and
  • They passed the ultimate abortion bill that would rob every unborn New Yorker of any legal protections.

You must respond with the same energy for Life.

Texas is the last best hope for the rest of the country. Our nation looks to you and me to pass life-saving laws that will save lives immediately, change the culture to finally recognize this genocide, and ultimately challenge and undo the abomination of Roe v. Wade.

Friend, are you horrified by New York’s abortion on demand agenda? Then ACT while there’s still hope for our country.  Give a gift of $50, $150, $300, or more now to pass the Pro-Life priority bills and wake up the culture to reject abortion.

You cannot let Texas become complacent in the wake of this tragedy.  You cannot leave our elections, our State Capitol, or our culture unguarded from the vicious abortion mob. You’ve seen what they will do.

They are coming for us.

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