New Pro-Life Bill Will Help Doctors Treat Pregnancy Emergencies

Texas lawmakers filed a bill Friday to make sure doctors receive special training about abortion laws and serious pregnancy complications.

A handful of physicians in recent years failed to properly treat pregnant women in life-threatening emergencies, leading to the deaths of the mother and baby. Tragically, medical staff believed the media’s claim that Pro-Life policies force them to delay or withhold life-saving care from the mother.

Intervention is allowed without delay in these difficult cases, as affirmed by the Texas Medical Board and the Supreme Court of Texas. Yet, medical confusion continues due to Democrats’ and liberal reporters’ false and lethal narratives. Now, state officials must make sure that doctors are informed and prepared to properly care for patients with pregnancy complications. 

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To meet this need, Senator Bryan Hughes and Representative Charlie Geren filed the Maternal Safety Act (Senate Bill 31 and House Bill 44). Without compromising any safeguards for babies, the bill seeks to simplify some Pro-Life provisions that physicians, nurses, and attorneys at hospitals had questions about. The measure reiterates that medical professionals should not worry about lawsuits, criminal prosecution, or loss of license when using reasonable medical judgment and trying to follow Pro-Life policies. It also notes that treating a woman during a medical emergency or discussing the case with other medical professionals during the emergency does not equal aiding and abetting an abortion.

If passed, OB-GYNs would be required to take a continuing education course covering:

  • Differences between abortion and treatment for ectopic pregnancies or miscarriages;
  • State law’s complete protection for a mother’s life in emergencies; and
  • Legal distinctions between medical emergencies and prohibited elective abortions.

The tragic deaths reported in the news were not caused by Pro-Life policies. They’re the result of liberal efforts to create confusion, push for more abortions, and weaken Pro-Life protections that save tens of thousands of babies every year.

The Maternal Safety Act will prevent delays in medical care and save lives by ensuring that doctors are equipped with accurate knowledge of the state’s Pro-Life laws.

Texas Right to Life is thankful for Senator Bryan Hughes’ dedication to ensuring every preborn baby and mother receives proper medical care. Texas Right to Life will continue working to correct the misleading narratives in the media and to urge lawmakers to pass new Pro-Life bills that will stop illegal abortions and help pregnant women.

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