The anti-Life Biden Administration has offered proposed rules to implement the “Pregnant Workers Fairness Act” (PWFA), attempting to use a pro-family law as a Trojan horse to require every business to support abortion.
The PWFA was passed as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023, though it was first passed by the House of Representatives in 2021 with bipartisan support. This law requires employers to provide “reasonable accommodations” for an employee’s limitations with pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions.
The law itself does not address abortion at all. It is written in very vague and general terms, simply leaving the specifics up to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Some of the examples offered by the Commission are actually good, common-sense accommodations, such as schedule changes, more frequent breaks, modified equipment or uniforms, being allowed to sit at a job that usually requires standing, and more. This is a good, life-affirming bill that highlights how the Pro-Life movement is not only anti-abortion but truly Pro-Life.
However, the proposed regulations also include “having or choosing not to have an abortion” as a related medical condition. This means that any employer with 15 or more employees would have to create and provide “reasonable accommodations” for an employee to have an abortion.
The Biden Administration is abusing a bipartisan, Life-affirming law meant to help pregnant mothers to push its radical abortion agenda. If adopted, these regulations would violate state protections for preborn children as well as employers’ sincerely-held beliefs.
Now more than ever, the Pro-Life movement needs to work diligently to make workplaces and public spaces more friendly and attentive to families and their needs. While we protect preborn children, we also need to help mitigate the factors that have historically driven women to seek abortion. This is why Texas passed two laws during the Regular Session of the 88th Legislature to help pregnant and parenting students achieve their academic goals.

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But this move from the most anti-Life presidential administration in history demonstrates once again the animosity that the federal government has toward valuing and protecting both preborn children and their mothers. They are terrified that we have been winning and actively safeguarding preborn children from abortion. Terrified enough that they are willing to commandeer a law that was meant to protect working mothers and use it to encourage abortion and to force Pro-Lifers to accommodate for abortion.
Pro-Life Americans will be able to submit public comments against the proposal for a 60-day period (public comment closes on October 10, 2023).
Join Texas Right to Life and other Pro-Lifers across the country to let President Biden and his cronies know that we do not plan to sit idly by while they try to make the United States of America one of the most radically pro-abortion nations in the world.