National Pro-Life groups sign letter to Senate in support of Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

The United States Senate has introduced legislation that will bar abortion after the fifth month of pregnancy. 

The bill, S.1670, was introduced by Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and is based on the scientific evidence that preborn babies at 20 weeks of pregnancy feel excruciating pain during an abortion.

Pro-Life organizations across the country have signed on to letters to the members of the U.S. Senate thanking them for cosponsoring and urging the bill to be brought before the entire chamber for a vote.  National Right to Life, Susan B. Anthony List, Concerned Women for America, LifeNews, Students for Life, Live Action, and dozens of other leading Pro-Life activists have added their signature.

“Polling shows that consensus exists among the American people – especially women – in support of this legislation.  Polling released by Quinnipiac found that 68 percent of women support legislation prohibiting abortion after 20 weeks, and 62 percent of Americans overall,” the letter states.

“We strongly believe that this consensus must lead Congress to draw a firm line to protect women and babies across the country from practices that are devastating to them and searing to the American conscience.”

Texas’ Pro-Life senators, John Cornyn and Ted Cruz, have already pledged their support to the bill as cosponsors, along with 36 other senators from across the nation.

Texas passed, and Governor Rick Perry signed into law, the historic Pro-Life Omnibus Bill, HB2, that now protects preborn children at this point in pregnancy.  Congress has the ability to pass federal legislation that will codify states’ laws to protect innocent preborn babies from the agonizing pain of abortion.

The will of the American people is to protect preborn babies who feel pain; now is the time for Congress to listen to the people and pass this life-saving legislation. 

Click here to read the full text and to see all the individuals and groups who have signed on to the letter.