The National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children is observed each year on the second Saturday in September. This day is an opportunity to honor the precious lives lost to abortion and to pray for those affected by this profound loss. Launched in 2013 as a joint effort by Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, Pro-Life Action League, and Priests for Life, the event creates a national prayer campaign. People gather at gravesites and memorials across the country to remember these innocent babies and pray for healing and hope.
By burying their remains, or at least building a physical reminder of their short lives, we show them the respect and dignity they were denied. These memorials for the preborn, and the mourning we share for them, prove that no life is forgotten. We remember the over 63 million lives lost to abortion since Roe v. Wade (1973) and pray for the healing of the mothers and families affected by these tragic decisions.

One may notice the lack of dates on the graves. Since these children were never allowed to be born, there is no birthdate, and because the exact date of their death is often unknown, this information is left off the grave markers. Nevertheless, we bury them, we mourn for them, and we treat them with the virtue of humanity that they were never afforded in Life.
What began with only 25 gravesites nationwide in 2013 has now grown to 60 graves and hundreds of memorials nationally. The remains of the aborted babies buried in the graves were recovered from abortion clinic dumpsters, pathology labs, and crematoriums. Many graves hold the remains of hundreds of babies, with tombstones inscribed with phrases such as “In Loving Memory of The Innocent Victims of Abortion, This Monument Stands as a Testimony to The Sanctity of Life,” and “In Memory of Those Killed in Their Mother’s Womb.”

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There are four gravesites in Texas. The Gravesite of Aborted Children in Houston, the Gravesite of Aborted Babies in Waco, and the Burial Site of 1,500 Aborted Babies in Dallas all will hold a memorial service on September 14. The Burial Site of Baby David in Pinehurst is awaiting a host for its memorial service. Texas also has 38 memorials, many of which are hosting services as well.
As Pro-Lifers, we are called to defend Life at all stages. We encourage Pro-Lifers to participate in the National Day of Remembrance of Aborted Children by praying for the babies, mothers, and families affected by abortion.
For those seeking healing after an abortion, please visit Project Rachel for Christ-centered support on the journey to recovery. You can also visit a pregnancy resource center near you to connect with post-abortion healing services.
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