Friend —
If you haven't see “October Baby” yet, I think you will love it.
As we're about to enter into one of the most important election cycles in generations, this movie will inspire you and remind you what we're fighting for.
If you get a chance to watch it this weekend, let me know what you think!
A Vote for Life!
This weekend, when the biggest box-office hit is expected be a film based on a popular book about young people being forced to fight to the death, OCTOBER BABY is in the theaters with a resounding message about the sanctity of life. Talk about a culture in need of a wake-up call!
On top of that, every ticket purchased for OCTOBER BABY is a vote for life. The producers of OCTOBER BABY have assigned 10 percent of the profits of the movie to the Every Life is Beautiful Fund, which will distribute funds to frontline organizations helping women facing crisis pregnancies, life-affirming adoption agencies, and those caring for orphans.
» Learn more at |
This Weekend Matters!
In every facet of life, there are different ways of judging success. With a movie as powerful as OCTOBER BABY, success could literally come in the form of a mother seeing the movie and choosing life instead of the alternative.
Yet for films like OCTOBER BABY to continue being made, audiences need to be willing to see it in theaters. Movie industry success is based on how well a movie does at the box office. For OCTOBER BABY, that means this weekend will determine if the movie has an extended run in the theaters and expand to other theaters around the country.
Your support of OCTOBER BABY is imperative. Bring a group of friends with you and introduce them to OCTOBER BABY. They'll be glad you did … and so will you. And be sure to stay through the credits, which include the real-life testimony of actress Shari Rigby.
» Get Tickets NOW at |
October Baby: See It With Your Friends
Are you in a small group Bible study? How about a prayer group? Maybe a book club? Chances are you have like-minded friends with whom you share special times. We have an idea for your group this weekend: together, go see the new movie OCTOBER BABY.
Get your favorite group together for a movie night out or an afternoon matinee this Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. You'll be entertained and inspired by OCTOBER BABY, a movie whose plot reminds us vividly that every life is beautiful. After seeing the movie, plan to grab some coffee and talk through what you experienced.
» Watch (and Share) the Trailer |
