The Pro-Life movement performs a collective face-palm when we remember Wendy Davis’ filibuster failure. Her attempt was the first of many to shut down HB2, the Pro-Life law that has already saved thousands of Texas babies since the bill’s passage during the 2013 Legislative Session.
Davis didn’t stick around long after her fili-fail, instead she set her sights on the Governor’s mansion. But Pro-Life Texans said no thanks, and Davis faded into obscurity as a tidal wave of Pro-Life votes ushered Abbott into the spot Davis coveted.
As the 84th Legislative Session begins, Texas is more Pro-Life than ever. And there is no truer testament to the fact than Konni Burton’s choice of footwear. The newly-minted state senator donned a beautiful pair of black boots emblazoned with the words “Stand for Life”.
Burton took Davis’ seat in the Texas State Senate, adding yet another voice to the chorus who have vowed to speak for LIFE this session. Burton’s boots are conspicuously branded with the words, Stand for Life, and that is exactly what Burton and her colleagues intend to do this session. Legislative victories like that of HB 2 are thanks in part to Texas Right to Life’s work highlighting elected officials’ voting records and stances on Life during their tenure in office.
Unsurprisingly, NARAL Pro-Choice Texas has used Burton’s boots in efforts to fundraise for Big Abortion. In a January 14 email, NARAL Pro-Choice Texas director Heather Busby made this eye-popping statement about the Pro-Life leader’s gesture:
Instead of letting Wendy’s legacy to continue to lift up the thousands of voices that were unable to speak in 2013, Senator Burton has shown what she and her colleagues really want: power and control over people’s reproductive lives.
Once again, the abortion industry refuses to acknowledge the obvious: that lifting up “the thousands of voices that were unable to speak” is EXACTLY what Senator Burton intends to do by standing for the lives of the unborn—boots and all. NARAL did get one thing right, though, when they said, this is just the beginning. And we agree; led by a dedicated Pro-Life majority in the Texas Legislature, we intend to be unstoppable.
In 2013, Burton stated that a desire to address fiscal issues initially brought her into the political arena. But “if she wants to make this about life,” Burton said of Davis, “bring it.” Move over, pink sneakers; no one is going to stomp out the Pro-Life momentum this session.