Mother and Preborn Baby Killed in Ukraine Bombing

Russian forces bombed a maternity hospital in Mariupol, Ukraine, on March 9, according to the Associated Press. Truly shocking and heartbreaking footage of the bombing show pregnant mothers shell-shocked and bloodied stumbling through decimated buildings.

One video shows a pregnant mother being rushed through the rubble to an ambulance. She lay bleeding on a stretcher, clutching her abdomen as if to protect her preborn child.  

According to the AP, the mother’s pelvis had been crushed and her hip detached as a result of the shelling. Both mother and child died from their wounds. The baby was delivered via emergency cesarean section but neither mother nor baby survived despite the medics’ attempts to resuscitate them.

Another truly heartrending video shows doctors performing a C-section on an injured mother who lost toes in the bombing. Doctors can be seen desperately attempting to resuscitate the limp newborn. The room remains tense until the medics gasp in relief as the baby suddenly cries out. Cheers break out and the baby is placed by her mother. Medics wiped away tears as all continued their efforts.

Only minutes after the baby’s birth, more shells can be heard not far away. Everyone in the operating room instinctively ducks and a medic shields the newborn in a corner.

Elsewhere in the hospital doctors, staff, and patients work nervously, flinching, many in tears, with each new bomb that reverberates in the distance.

A third pregnant mother, Mariana Vishegirskaya, who survived the attack, gave birth to her child the day after the bombing. She recounted the attack, saying, “We were lying in wards when glass, frames, windows and walls flew apart. We don’t know how it happened. We were in our wards and some had time to cover themselves, some didn’t.”

The tragic war in Ukraine continues causing the loss of human Life. The inhumanity and brutality of violence against Life is demonstrated in these latest videos from Ukraine. Also demonstrated is the intrinsic value of preborn Life. In their footage and coverage of this strike on a maternity ward, even the AP recognizes the absolute barbarity of targeting innocent pregnant mothers and their tiny little preborn children.

Please continue to pray for the people of Ukraine, and for God’s peace to reign on earth.

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