For two years, Midlothian citizens have been urging their city council to pass an enforceable ordinance which would outlaw abortion within the city limits, thereby protecting the town’s preborn children and women from the possibility of the abortion industry setting up shop in their community. On February 27 the faithfulness of these Pro-Life citizens’ efforts paid off as the Midlothian City Council passed the Sanctuary City for the Unborn ordinance in a 5-2 decision led by Councilman Ed Gardner. Midlothian is now the 50th city in Texas to have the enforceable measure in place!
The passing of this ordinance sends a clear message: Midlothian and dozens of other cities across Texas and the United States reject the abortion industry profiting from the destruction of innocent human Life and preying on their most vulnerable citizens.
Measures such as the ordinance are crucial in that they demonstrate to our state and federal government that we are ready to end abortion in America, which has taken over 62 million preborn children’s lives since Roe v. Wade (1973), and is continuing to take over half a million nationwide every year.
Even in a Pro-Life state like Texas, the ordinance is important and effective. It allows for private civil enforcement, a strategy proven to be effective at preventing elective abortion, especially where district attorneys have declared they will not enforce state Pro-Life laws. It also ensures that Midlothian remains a safe haven for the unborn, regardless of the state possibly relaxing our current laws at some future time.

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Hugh Reynolds, a volunteer with First Look, the local pregnancy resource center, and leader in cultivating community awareness and support for the measure clarified the details that are sometimes conflated by opponents to the measure,
“This ordinance is intended to stop the establishment of clinics that have no other purpose than to perform elective abortions. It is not designed to overrule the professional judgment of any medical health care providers in caring for their patients, especially when it comes to protecting their lives. It does not prosecute doctors or pharmacies who dispense birth control…It does not target women. In fact, a woman seeking or having an abortion is specifically excluded from any prosecution.”
Pro-Life citizens of Midlothian tirelessly built community support through organizing, recruiting, and petitioning their city council to achieve this victory. Despite initial setbacks, including a previous council vote that rejected the measure, the community’s resolve only strengthened. The election of new council members more aligned with the Pro-Life cause was a huge turning point for this effort, allowing its final passage under the leadership of more ardently-committed Pro-Life officials.
This achievement underscores that ordinary citizens driven by a commitment to protect Life can affect monumental change. This is a celebration not just for the 38,000 residents of Midlothian, but for future generations who will grow up in a community that values and protects Life at every stage.
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