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Michigan abortionist under investigation for possibly committing abortions in his home

Add possible illegal, traveling abortions to the list of ways abortionist Michael Arthur Roth has snubbed the law and women’s health in his decades-long career as a hired killer.  The West Bloomfield, Michigan, abortionist is under investigation after police raided his car and home and found fourteen unmarked containers of human tissue, along with abortion equipment and a large amount of Fentanyl (a drug used to sedate and anesthetize patients).  There is speculation, based on these findings, that Roth was committing abortions in his own home, or even in the homes of pregnant mothers.

The abortion supplies and human tissue were discovered in Roth’s car after he hit and critically wounded a child with special needs more than two weeks ago.  Police found the items in the trunk of Roth’s car as they recovered the car’s data recording device.

Retired FBI agent Bill Kowalski told the local ABC affiliate: “My first concern is: where did they [the containers of human tissue]come from?  And is there any plausible legitimacy?”  No charges have yet been filed. 

Roth made headlines before for violating Michigan Public Health Code, severely botching abortions, and publicly advocating for sex-selection abortion (a phenomenon that is largely responsible for the staggering demographical problems that have resulted from lopsided sex ratios in China and India, where little girls are sought and destroyed in utero with insatiable ferocity).  In 1988, Roth told the New York Times that there is no reason to object to sex selection, saying: 

“I have no ethical problems with it, absolutely not… I think that abortion should be available on demand.'' 

Roth admitted to the newspaper that he had never “turned anybody down” – and nearly thirty years later, he may have still been the ‘yes’ man for abortion in Michigan, with what appears to be evidence of a concierge elective abortion practice sitting right in his car. The depravity of abortionists like Roth seems to have no bounds.