“Love Thy Neighbor” or Traffic Them? What You Should Know about the Amarillo Abortion Billboards

Leviticus 19:18, “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself,” is commonly highlighted in Bible studies, church services, mass, and other Christian gatherings. However, there is a new place where this sacred scripture is being spotlighted: billboards promoting illegal abortions.

These billboards in Amarillo, Texas, have appeared as a vile response to the Sanctuary City for the Unborn Ordinance, which will be on the November 5 ballot. Pro-abortion groups are terrified that Amarillo could join over four dozen other Texas cities in protecting preborn babies. In their desperation, they’ve turned to spiritual manipulation, using scripture to twist the meaning of “loving your neighbor” into support for illegal abortions—procedures that cause trauma to mothers and end the lives of innocent children. 

But we know the truth: Amarillo is home to Pro-Life patriots who love God, honor scripture, and stand for what the Lord values—Life! A seemingly “patriotic” billboard that distorts Christian values won’t fool us. The anti-Life activists forgot to include another verse, just a few lines up from Leviticus 19:18.

Leviticus 19:16b says, “Do not stand idly by when your neighbor’s life is threatened. I am the Lord.” Praise God for his call to protect all Life—inside and outside the womb!

One billboard even claims, “Say no to government overreach.” Ironically, conservatives agree. However, we know that the government is not overreaching by declaring that:

  • Life begins at conception;
  • Abortion is murdering an innocent human; 
  • Criminal groups performing illegal abortions should obey the law and not operate within Amarillo city limits; and,
  • Organizations illegally trafficking teens across state lines for abortions, especially without parental knowledge or consent, should be held accountable.

Thomas Jefferson said, “The care of human life & happiness, & not their destruction, is the first & only legitimate object of good government,” reflecting the foundational principle upon which our government was established. The Sanctuary City for the Unborn Ordinance strengthens the enforcement of existing laws to prevent the abortion industry from breaking Texas law and exploiting the citizens of Amarillo.

The people of Amarillo deserve to live in a safe city where criminal organizations that target women and babies are held accountable. Share this story with your friends and family and join us in prayer that on November 5, all Life will be protected and valued!

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