Texas Republican voters meet to set the role and direction of the party every other year at the Republican Party of Texas State Convention. Conservatives vote on the Party Platform and Legislative Priorities to lead the GOP and provide a guide by which Republican lawmakers are held accountable.
This year’s state convention will take place in San Antonio from May 23-25. Texas Right to Life has been recruiting Republican voters to attend local GOP conventions and pass Pro-Life resolutions to help direct the party in its Pro-Life principles. Since Texas outlawed abortion, leftist groups have been mailing illegal abortion pills into our state and smuggling them over our southern border. The fight for Life is not over, and we must continue building a state that is truly Pro-Life for preborn children and vulnerable hospital patients.

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Texas Right to Life has four Pro-Life resolutions for the 2024 convention:
- Stopping Illegal Abortion Pills: Stopping abortion pill distributors from sending and trafficking these lethal and illegal drugs into Texas and holding those accountable who break state Pro-Life laws.
- Improving Adoption for Children and Families: Making adoption more affordable, streamlined, and accessible.
- Medical Emergencies Within Pro-Life Laws: Expressing support for the current medical emergency definition within Texas’ Pro-Life laws and urging the governor, Legislature, and health agencies to do everything in their power to inform medical professionals about the law, preventing pregnant mothers’ lives from being put unnecessarily at risk.
- Repealing the Anti-Life 25-Day Rule: Calling on the Legislature to protect patients’ rights by repealing the anti-Life 25-Day Rule that still enables hospitals to unilaterally withhold or withdraw a patient’s basic life-sustaining treatment (like a ventilator) against the patient’s or family’s will without any appeal.
Meanwhile, liberal Republicans launched efforts to abandon preborn children and gut the GOP’s Pro-Life position. If they succeed, lawmakers in 2025 could have the excuse needed to add loopholes to Texas Pro-Life laws, causing more babies to be legally aborted. Texas Right to Life will educate and mobilize Republicans at the convention to vote against any attempts to weaken the party’s stance.
However, if Texas Right to Life’s Pro-Life resolutions are adopted, conservatives will have a solid foundation to protect children from illegal abortions, help families adopt, and defend mothers and patients as state lawmakers prepare legislation when they next meet in 2025.
Now more than ever, we must not back down from defending the Right to Life from fertilization until natural death!
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